What We're About

ID Creative Group is a small, custom marketing and advertising agency that’s been doing what we do for quite a while - since 1991.  Our unique approach and adaptive skills have enabled us to survive and thrive during some tough economic times.  We have a loyal, strong client base which continues to grow and the longevity of many of these clients speaks volumes about our mutual goals and successes.  We work continuously to hone our services to better our clients.  If you’re successful, we’re successful.  We’re fun to work with, but we’re very serious about our work.  There are no short cuts – we believe our clients deserve our best.  Always.

We started as primarily a print firm – designing and producing print marketing for our clients – newspaper advertising, newspapers, newsletters, publications, specialty magazines, etc.  When the recession hit, many of our clients found that e-newsletters and marketing online made more sense due to fast changing technology, immediate online accessibility, and not having the cost of snail-mailing.  In response, we altered our direction to continue to accommodate our clients - both online and in print.

Although we have kept up with technology, we have a very ‘old school’ approach.  What does that mean to you?  Nine times out of ten, you will get a real voice when you call us.  When we say we’ll get a project done by a certain time, we get it done – whatever it takes.  We take the time to meet with our clients to determine exactly what they need and it isn’t always what they think they want.  One of our basic philosophies … you’re not paying us to tell you want you want to hear, you’re paying us to tell you what you need to hear. 

So – why the panther?  The panther has my favorite animal all my life.  Black panthers are rare, intelligent, strong, beautiful, predatory creatures, yet symbolize perfection.  The characteristics of the panther also parallel our business traits.


The black lab puppy … well, I am loyal to my customers and ask a lot of questions (thus the inquisitiveness), not to mention I work with a black lab and a shepherd/lab mix every day.  They are inspiring, fun (see above photo), yet understand “work.”  I couldn’t ask for a more loyal staff.

We’ve won numerous awards for our work.  We like the acknowledgements, but our biggest reward (and compliment) is our satisfied and successful clients (and the kudos we get from their success)!

PHONE: 330.483.0075 | 330.483.0076

Email us today at info@idcreativeltd.com